Fr. Mc Nally Chamber Orchesta Gala Debut Concert – 13’th February 2011.

Fr. Mc Nally Chamber Orchesta Gala Debut Concert – 13’th February 2011

I was out on Sunday evening filming the Fr. Mc Nally Chamber Orchestra Gala Debut Concert in The Redemptorist Church Dundalk to a packed church of over 500 guests.

A delightful evening was experienced by all and we had the man Himself there to witness the evening, Fr. Mc Nally who has thought most of the Orchestra at one time or another, this was a great memorable video production.

There was a great appreciation for the music and the Guest Soloist’s were Michael d’ Darcy & Karl Sweeney with the Leader/Director being Briege Mc Golderick.

This was a great occasion and another one for my collection of many corporate videos I have done over the years.

A lovely evening had by all.

Cyril Fox

Video Me

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